Category: Basics

  • Wilderness Hygiene and Sanitation: 9 Ways to Success

    Wilderness Hygiene and Sanitation: 9 Ways to Success

    Hitting the open trail? Focusing on cleanliness might not exactly be your top priority. But let’s get real, without proper wilderness hygiene and sanitation, camping can quickly shift from a thrilling adventure to an uncomfortable ordeal. Speaking as a seasoned outdoor enthusiast who once got sidelined by illness due to neglecting simple hygiene practices while…

  • Improvised Water Filtration: 5 Ways to Thrive

    Improvised Water Filtration: 5 Ways to Thrive

    Ever paused mid-sip and wondered what’s really floating around in your tap water? You’re not alone. Like you, the question of my drinking water’s quality and its influence on the health of my loved ones has sparked more than just concern. It ignited a thirst to comprehend an invaluable lifeline — improvised water filtration systems.…

  • Post-Disaster Community Building: 7 Ways to Excel

    Post-Disaster Community Building: 7 Ways to Excel

    Navigating the aftermath of a disaster can feel like traversing an emotional and logistical minefield. As someone who has weathered this storm and dedicated countless hours to researching effective strategies, I know all too well the monumental effort required. It’s not an easy road, but indeed it’s one that can be successfully traveled. This article…

  • Fire-Making in Different Conditions: 5 Ways to Thrive

    Fire-Making in Different Conditions: 5 Ways to Thrive

    Ever had one of those days when making a fire seems like solving an advanced calculus problem, especially when Mother Nature isn’t cooperating? Yeah, I’ve been in your shoes more times than I’d like to admit. It turns out that a staggering 89% of annual wildfires are human-induced all because we sometimes underestimate the art…

  • Crafting and Using Primitive Weapons: 3 Ways to Thrive

    Crafting and Using Primitive Weapons: 3 Ways to Thrive

    Have you ever found yourself captivated by the notion of crafting and using primitive weapons? If you’re like me, this curiosity isn’t just passing fancy; it sticks around, whispering words of challenge. After plunging into copious research and getting my hands dirty with practical experience, I’ve unveiled the unmistakable importance of arming oneself with these…

  • Survival Swimming Techniques: 7 Ways to Excel

    Survival Swimming Techniques: 7 Ways to Excel

    Are you drawn to the thrill of water-based adventures, but find your nerves getting the better of you because of uncertain swimming skills? Believe me, I completely understand. Just like you, I once felt my lackluster abilities were holding me back from truly experiencing and enjoying these activities. It kicked off an enduring quest for…

  • Avoiding Wild Animal Encounters: 9 Ways to Thrive

    Avoiding Wild Animal Encounters: 9 Ways to Thrive

    Have you ever bumped into a wild critter on a stroll or maybe even locked eyes with a bear during your hiking trip? Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of avoiding wild animal encounters too – including the time a bear and I ended up sharing the same trail! In this post, we will…

  • Survival Psychology and Mindset: 7 Ways to Excel

    Survival Psychology and Mindset: 7 Ways to Excel

    Survival is a riveting journey that tests not only our physical limits but also our mental resilience. Like many of you, I too have danced with life’s unpredictable tunes, finding pathways to endure and overcome the hurdles life throws my way. In this fascinating exploration called survival psychology, we get to uncover its true essence.…

  • Surviving Natural Disasters: 7 Ways to Dominate

    Surviving Natural Disasters: 7 Ways to Dominate

    Ever found yourself pondering surviving natural disasters? Well, you’re not alone! With the rise in frequency of these terrifying events, it’s become quite critical to keep ourselves prepared. I’ve poured over countless survival guides and studies and boiled down the key steps you can take to come out on top in any such unsettling situation.…

  • Emergency Signaling Techniques: 7 Ways to Success

    Emergency Signaling Techniques: 7 Ways to Success

    Ever found yourself daydreaming about how to effectively signal for help in an emergency? We’ve had those thoughts too, and we realized it’s a critical survival skill that isn’t given as much attention as it should be. Armed with research and hands-on knowledge, this article will walk you through seven reliable techniques of emergency signaling…